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Lowcountry Africana Main Blog
Descendants of Slaveholders, Descendants of Slaves Share Overnight Stay at Bush-Holley House, Greenwich, CT
Bush-Holley House “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners...
The Door Is Open. Who Are You? Slave Dwelling Project Visits Friendfield Plantation
“The door is open! The door is open! Who are you? Who are you?" According to “Old Reliable” Terry James, those are the words I uttered as I slept in a slave dwelling at Friendfield Plantation on the night of March 23, 2012. While my wife will easily explain that I...
Drayton Research Update: Efforts to Emancipate Abigail, Mahala, Rebecca and Abba
In 1821, Rebecca Perry Drayton, widow of John Drayton of Drayton Hall, petitioned the House of Representatives, seeking permission to free three family slaves named Abigail, Mahala and Rebecca. Abigail was described as "an old family nurse ... now between eighty and...
Slave Dwelling Project 2012 Schedule
Slave Dwelling Project Founder Joseph McGill has set the itinerary of overnight cabin stays for 2012. In addition to overnight stays in slave cabins in South Carolina, the Slave Dwelling Project will also visit Georgia, Connecticut, Mississippi, North Carolina and...
Slave Dwelling Project’s First 2012 Stay: Price House, Spartanburg, SC
Joseph McGill Outside Price House Slave Dwelling Nannie Jeffries, museum administrator of the Spartanburg County Historical Association, must be commended for being a visionary. It was late 2010 when she first proposed that I spend a night in the slave cabin at the...
Historical Preservation Expert Joseph McGill to Visit Claflin University Jan. 19
Joseph McGill, a program officer with National Trust for Historic Preservation, will speak at Claflin University on Thursday, Jan. 19. McGill has drawn national attention for his Slave Dwelling Project initiative, which seeks to garner increased recognition and...
National Day of Listening Interview IV: Corie Hipp, Seashore Farmers’ Lodge
Q: Can you tell us about the Seashore Farmers' Lodge and how it was a focal point for community life in Sol Legare? A: The community of Sol Legare is very unique and has a very intriguing history. It is one of the last remaining of its kind in the...
Story Corps National Day of Listening 2011: Jim Powell Jr., Alachua County, FL Ancient Records
We have a lot of history hidden in the dark between the pages of our record books. I really wanted to bring it out into the light where anyone can find it. We are accomplishing that." --- Jim Powell, Jr. Since 1999, a small handful of dedicated volunteers have...
Story Corps National Day of Listening 2011: Interviews II: Jim Powell, Jr., Taylor Griffith, Rianna Griffith, Elora Powell and Camara Casson, Alachua County, FL Virtual Cemetery Project
The Alachua County Virtual Cemetery Project On most Saturday mornings, cousins Taylor Griffith, 12, Camara Casson, 12, Elora Powell, 11 and Rianna Griffith, 6 venture out to spend some quality time with their grandfather Jim Powell. But...
Story Corps National Day of Listening 2011: Interviews I: Joseph McGill, Jr.
On the day after Thanksgiving every year, StoryCorps asks all Americans to start a new holiday tradition: set aside an hour to interview a friend, a loved one, or someone in their community about his or her life. Lowcountry Africana is pleased to be an official...

South Carolina Ancestors
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