Keep up with your favorite blogs on Lowcountry Africana – the LCA Main Blog, South Carolina Ancestors, Georgia Ancestors, Florida Ancestors and Lowcountry Roots Travel. Access all of them right here!

LCA Main Blog
Keep up with what’s happening at LCA, learn about upcoming events, read about preservation efforts, and sharpen your research skills. Follow the LCA Main Blog to stay informed!

South Carolina Ancestors
Learn about new online records for South Carolina and sharpen your research skills with tips and tricks for researching your South Carolina ancestors.

Georgia Ancestors
Researching Georgia ancestors? Read about valuable online and offline resources for Georgia and find great tips to keep your research moving forward.

Florida Ancestors
Resources for Researching Florida ancestors, tips for organizing and sharing your research and more.

Lowcountry Roots Travel
Pack your suitcase and plan your next research trip to a Lowcountry destination. Read about key archives and nearby cities.

Lowcountry Africana Main Blog
Lowcountry Africana Welcomes Aisha Taylor as Coordinator of Florida Records
Lowcountry Africana, a free website dedicated to African American genealogy and history in the Lowcountry Southeast (SC, GA and FL) is pleased to welcome Aisha Taylor as Coordinator of Florida Records. In her new role at Lowcountry Africana, Aisha Taylor will...
Lowcountry Africana Welcomes Michael Hait as Coordinator of Resource Library
Lowcountry Africana, a free website dedicated to African American genealogy and history in the Lowcountry Southeast (SC, GA and FL) is pleased to welcome Michael Hait as Coordinator of the Lowcountry Africana Resource Library. In his new role at...
Lowcountry Africana Welcomes Luckie Daniels as Coordinator of Georgia Records
Lowcountry Africana is pleased and honored to welcome Ms. Luckie Daniels as Coordinator of Georgia Records. In her new role at Lowcountry Africana, Ms. Daniels will coordinate the growth of the Georgia document collection, share information on resources for Georgia...
Have You Seen Our Georgia
Have You Seen We think you will love the website/blog Our Georgia Roots (, which has a rich collection of records, images, links and resources for African American genealogy in general, and Washington and Wilkes Counties in...
Launch Of GenealogyWise Website Changes the Internet Genealogy World as We Know It
An extraordinary thing happened a few days ago: the creators of GenealogyWise, a social networking site dedicated entirely to genealogy, quietly launched their website without an announcement, possibly thinking of a small, informal launch during which they could...

South Carolina Ancestors
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Roots Travel
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