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Lowcountry Africana Main Blog
Freedmen's Bureau Transportation Requests, SC, Jan 2 to Feb 8, 1866
Freedmen's Bureau Lists of Requests for Transportation, Oct. 1, 1865-Dec. 31, 1866 Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1872 NARA Record Group 105 M869, Reel 44, Target 2 Indexed by...
7 Days of Juneteenth, Day 2 ~ Freedmen's Bureau Transportation Requests, Beaufort, SC Voter Registrations
Greetings Genfriends! For Day 2 of 7 Days of Juneteenth, we continue posting new record sets made during the first days of freedom. Today, we have posted three new Beaufort County, SC 1868 voter registration precincts: Peeple's Election District, Pocotaligo and Whippy...
Freedmen’s Bureau Lists of Requests for Transportation, South Carolina, 1865
Freedmen's Bureau Lists of Requests for Transportation, Oct. 1, 1865-Dec. 31, 1866 Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1872 NARA Record Group 105 M869, Reel 44, Target 2 Indexed by...
Beaufort County, SC Voter Registrations, Prince Williams Parish Registration Precinct, Peeple’s Election Precinct, 1868
Source: South Carolina, Secretary of State, Records Deposited with the Secretary. Abstracts of Voter Registrations Reported to the Military Government, 1868. South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Record Group 213000, Series No. S 213103 Indexed by Alana...
Beaufort County, SC Voter Registrations, Prince Williams Parish Registration Precinct, Pocotaligo Election Precinct, 1868
Source: South Carolina, Secretary of State, Records Deposited with the Secretary. Abstracts of Voter Registrations Reported to the Military Government, 1868. South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Record Group 213000, Series No. S 213103 Indexed by Alana...
Beaufort County, SC Voter Registrations, Prince Williams Parish Registration Precinct, Whippy Swamp Election Precinct, 1868
Source: South Carolina, Secretary of State, Records Deposited with the Secretary. Abstracts of Voter Registrations Reported to the Military Government, 1868. South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Record Group 213000, Series No. S 213103 Indexed by Alana...
7 Days of Juneteenth 2013~ Day 1: Beaufort, SC Voter Registrations, Elders on 112 Plantations
The Juneteenth holiday, one of the oldest Emancipation Day celebrations in the United States, commemorates the events of June 18 and 19, 1865, when Union General Gordon Granger and 2,000 federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, took possession of the state and...
Freedmen’s Bureau Register of Destitutes (Rations Lists) by Plantation, Moncks Corner Subdistrict, SC, 1867
Freedmen's Bureau Rations Lists (Register of Destitutes) Charleston District, Moncks Corner Sub-District Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1872 NARA Record Group 105 M869, Reel 89...
Beaufort County, SC Voter Registrations, Prince Williams Parish Registration Precinct, Gardner’s Corner Election Precinct, 1868
Source: South Carolina, Secretary of State, Records Deposited with the Secretary. Abstracts of Voter Registrations Reported to the Military Government, 1868. South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Record Group 213000, Series No. S 213103 Indexed by Alana...
Beaufort County, SC Voter Registrations, First Registration Precinct, Chisolm’s Election Precinct, 1868
Source: South Carolina, Secretary of State, Records Deposited with the Secretary. Abstracts of Voter Registrations Reported to the Military Government, 1868. South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Record Group 213000, Series No. S 213103 Indexed by Alana...

South Carolina Ancestors
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