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Lowcountry Africana Main Blog
Hinder Me Not ~ Sankofa Bound! Slave Dwelling Project’s Stay on Ossabaw Island, GA
Operated by the state of Georgia’s Department of Natural Resources, Ossabaw Island, Georgia would be the second stay for the Slave Dwelling...
Slave Dwelling Project Visits Woodburn House, Pendleton, SC
When I started the Slave Dwelling Project in 2010, I established some rigid rules. Here are a few: 1) No sleeping in dwellings that are not in...
Index of USCT Bounties Paid, South Carolina, 1866-1868
Source: Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 (NARA Micropublication M1910), Reel 23 Names of 166 USCT veterans who were paid bounties from 1866-1868 ~ Please...
Honoring William Parsons, First USCT Soldier to Fall in Battle in SC
The first military action of the United States Colored Troops in South Carolina was an expedition organized by Colonel Thomas Wentworth Higginson, commander of the 1st SC Infantry (later redesignated 33rd USCT). From January 23 to February 1, 1863, the 1st South...
Laurelwood Plantation ~ The One That (Almost) Got Away
By Joseph McGill, Slave Dwelling Project I know for sure that I have spent nights in slave dwellings in twelve states. In the states of...
Slave Dwelling Project Revisits the Behind the Big House Tour, Holly Springs, MS
One way of testing the effectiveness of the Slave Dwelling Project is when I get invited back to a place where I have stayed already. An...
Preservation Society of Charleston to Honor African American Craftsmen and Preservationists
Contact: Aurora Harris, Community Outreach Manager| |843.722.4630 Thomas M. Pinckney Alliance Reception March 13, 2013 Charleston, SC– The Preservation Society of Charleston will honor African American craftsmen and...
Teaching Moments: Slave Dwelling Project Includes Local Youths in Stay at Hopsewee Plantation
The first stay for the Slave Dwelling Project in 2013 was a repeat stay at Hopsewee Plantation on Friday, March 1. Located on the North Santee...
View Our Social Media Posts Here ~ Courtesy of RebelMouse!
Interested In Preserving SC African American History and Culture? SC African American Heritage Commission Meets Thursday, March 14
The South Carolina African American Heritage Commission will hold it quarterly meeting on Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. at the South Carolina Archives and History Center, 8301 Parklane Road, Columbia. Anyone interested in the preservation of African American...

South Carolina Ancestors
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