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Lowcountry Africana Main Blog
Freedmen’s Bureau Record Breaks Through the 1870 Brick Wall for SC African American Genealogy
So rarely does a record from Reconstruction actually connect freed people to a former slaveholder. When we find records like this we are so excited. We are very excited today, because we found another! This record is a part of the "Pre-Bureau" records for South...
Joseph McGill and Company A, 54th Massachusetts Reenactment Regiment March in Inaugural Parade
Inaugural Parade Immersing myself in matters of history is second nature. More specifically, matters of African American history are on my...
"The Day We Celebrate:" Emancipation Day in Charleston, Then and Now
On December 23, 1865 the South Carolina Leader, an African American newspaper based in Charleston, SC posted the following announcement [1]: Barbecue -- January first, Emancipation Day, will be celebrated by a procession of the different organizations of the city. A...
Slave Dwelling Project Announces 2013 Schedule
Thirty nine overnight stays in extant slave dwellings is proof that the Slave Dwelling Project is doing well. The year 2012 saw a lot of firsts for the project. For the second consecutive year, a northern state was included in the project when I stayed at the Bush...
National Day of Listening: "The Ancestors Told; The Elders Listened; We Pass It On" Blog Carnival Edition
The day we've been waiting for has arrived - today, November 23, 2012 is the fifth annual StoryCorps National Day of Listening! Each year, Story Corps asks all Americans to set aside an hour on the day after Thanksgiving to interview a friend, loved one or community...
Call for Submissions: There’s a Blog Carnival Coming to Town!
The Ancestors Told; the Elders Listened; We Pass It On ~ Greetings Genfriends! ~ It's been a while since we had a Gen community blog carnival. In honor of StoryCorps' upcoming National Day of Listening, the Preservinators (Angela Walton-Raji, George Geder and...
Slave Dwelling Project Wraps Up 2012 Schedule with Stay at Boone Hall Plantation
Back to the Beginning It was 12 years ago when I had my very first stay in a slave cabin at Boone Hall Plantation in Mt. Pleasant, SC. The event was filmed for a History Channel documentary titled The Unfinished Civil War. The documentary aired a few times but flopped...
The National Day of Listening: Learn and Preserve Family Stories
Take Part in StoryCorps' 2012 National Day of Listening! Lowcountry Africana is pleased to be an official national partner of the acclaimed oral history project StoryCorps in celebrating the fifth annual National Day of Listening on Friday, November 23, 2012....
Slave Dwelling Project Visits Bacon’s Castle, Surry County, VA
After a 3 month hiatus, the Slave Dwelling Project came back strong with two stays in Virginia. The first of the stays was Bacon’s Castle which occurred on Friday, October 5, 2012. Constructed in 1665 in Surry County on the south side of the James River, Bacon's...
Transcript of Live Facebook Chat with Joseph McGill of the Slave Dwelling Project
Evening friends! We just had a wonderful live Facebook chat with Joseph McGill of the Slave Dwelling Project! Joe was chatting live from his stay at Bacon's Castle. You can view live streaming video of his stay by following this link: Transcript of Live Chat In case...

South Carolina Ancestors
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