South Carolina Historical Society Finding Aids Online

The South Carolina Historical Society, one of the richest archives for Lowcountry genealogy research, has placed their finding aids online. Planning a research trip to Charleston? Be sure to bookmark the South Carolina Historical Society’s Finding Aids page so...

Coming Wednesday, Nov. 6 ~ Lowcountry Roots Travel Blog!

Coming Soon! Wednesday, November 6, 2013, we will launch the new Lowcountry Roots Travel blog on LCA! And who better to launch a travel blog than Genealogy Travel Ninja Thomas MacEntee? Thomas has just published the Kindle book Family History Trippin’ – A...

Welcome to the New Lowcountry Africana Youth Corner!

Welcome to the new Lowcountry Africana Youth Corner, where we share resources and ideas for involving young ones in family history. One great way to interest children in family history is to encourage them to ask family members (especially elders) about their lives,...

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