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Georgia Ancestors
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Lowcountry Africana Main Blog
Drayton Family Research Update: Slaves in Grimke Family Records
The histories of the Drayton and Grimke families of Charleston are closely intertwined. The connection began with the marriage of Thomas Smith Grimke (1786-1834), son of John Faucheraud Grimke (1752-1819) and Sarah Smith (1764-1839), to Sarah Daniel Drayton...
Remarkable Colleton County Document Breaks Through the 1870 Brick Wall
Every now and then one of those remarkable documents comes along - the ones that bridge the 1870 Divide and positively link a freed person with a surname to a former slaveholder. In this case we come close. The Freedmen's Labor Contract below...
1870 Brick Wall: Final Slaveholder of James Jenkins, Pinopolis, Berkeley County, SC
So rarely do we see a document that bridges the 1870 divide by positively linking a freed person with a surname to the final slaveholder. When we do find a document that bridges that divide, we post it to our 1870 Brick Wall page. Here is the latest addition to that...
Drayton Family Research Update: Adam Frost, Adel, Constant, Jerry and Winter
The life story of Adam Frost, formerly enslaved by Governor John Drayton, continues to unfold and is a wonderful example of the genealogy research community working together to solve a research problem. READ MORE
Guest Blogger: Bill Grimke-Drayton, Descendant of the Slaveholding Drayton Family in America and Barbados
African American Genealogy: Guest Blogger: Bill Grimke-Drayton, Descendant of the Slaveholding Drayton Family in America and Barbados This blog is the first of our posts for the Carnival of African American Genealogy. A blog carnival comes together...
Why Didn’t I Know My Family Held Slaves?
Why Didn't I Know My Family Held Slaves? Hey everyone, I'm Toni Carrier, founder of Lowcountry Africana, the USF Africana Heritage Project and Afriquest. I'm blogging today about my...
Free African American Genealogy Webinar by Tony Burroughs to be Archived on for Viewing at Any Time
Renowned genealogist Tony Burroughs presented the wisdom-filled webinar "Avoid Traps in African American Genealogy" tonight on The webinar focused on common pitfalls that can hinder your search for...
Free Webinar from Tony Burroughs: "Avoid Traps in African American Genealogy" Thurs., March 11, 8 p.m. will present a free webinar this Thursday, March 11 by renowned genealogist Tony Burroughs. The webinar "Avoid Traps in African American Genealogy" will air at 8 p.m. on Thursday. The seminar will focus on common mistakes that can hinder...
Lowcountry Africana Haiti I'm OK Board and Information Center: Seek Information, Share News of Loved Ones in Haiti
Lowcountry Africana Haiti I'm OK Board and Information Center: Seek Information, Share News of Loved Ones in Haiti Lowcountry Africana has created a Haiti I'm OK Board and information Center where you can search the Google Crisis Response...
Adam Frost, Former Servant of Governor John Drayton
The life story of Adam Frost, formerly enslaved by Governor John Drayton, continues to unfold and is a wonderful example of the genealogy research community working together to solve a research problem. We first discovered Adam Frost and his story by searching...

South Carolina Ancestors
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