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Lowcountry Africana Main Blog

Enslaved People in the Estate of John P. Porcher, Berkeley, SC, 1864
The estate inventory of John P. Porcher, filed 21 Dec 1865, lists the names of enslaved ancestors in age groups. Enslaved ancestors listed in the estate were: Abel aged 90 Between 70 & 80 years Scye, Fayette, Leah, Amy, George, Will Between 60 and 70 Lauder,...

Can’t Attend RootsTech 2017? Live Stream These Sessions
Mark your calendars! RootsTech, the massive family history and technology conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah, February 8-11, 2017, announced its free live online streaming schedule.

Great African American Genealogy Lineup at RootsTech 2017
The countdown is on to RootsTech 2017! I can't wait to see all my Genfriends and meet new ones. This year I'll be presenting at RootsTech (see schedule below), and blogging, posting and tweeting live from the conference as a RootsTech Ambassador. Last year was my...

Why Do Public History at Plantation Sites?
Plantations were the sites of unspeakable tragedies - unrelenting labor from sunup to sundown and in many cases, violence and rape. Enslaved people lived in houses where an entire family shared a small, single room with a fireplace and nothing more. In some...

And the Winner Is…
Many congratulations to Anita Henderson, who has won the random drawing for the full RootsTech conference registration (a $299 value). Anita will receive a FREE full registration for the RootsTech conference, plus the Innovator Summit, at the Salt Lake Convention...

Enter NOW to Win a Free RootsTech + Innovator Summit Conference Pass!
RootsTech Full Conference Registration Giveaway UPDATE - CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNER ANITA R. HENDERSON!!! Would you like to win a FREE Full RootsTech + Innovator Summit Conference pass ($299 value)? As a RootsTech 2017 Ambassador, Lowcountry Africana is honored to...
Reading Rainbow’s LeVar Burton Will Keynote RootsTech 2017
Salt Lake City, UT,October19,2016 FamilySearch International is pleased to announce that LeVar Burton will be the Friday keynote speaker at RootsTech 2017 on February 10, 2017. Burton is known by millions for his legendary starring role as Kunta Kinte in 1977 in the...
Wordless Wednesday June 8
Lowcountry Digital History Initiative Publishes Online Tribute in Partnership with Mother Emanuel Church to Commemorate Upcoming Anniversary of Mass Shooting
(Charleston, SC) The Lowcountry Digital History Initiative, Lowcountry Africana, and the College of Charleston’s Avery Research Center for African American History and Culture are pleased to present a new online exhibition, “A Tribute to the Mother Emanuel Church,”...
Wordless Wednesday May 4

South Carolina Ancestors
Beaufort County, SC Voter Registrations, Prince Williams Parish Registration Precinct, Gardner’s Corner Election Precinct, 1868
Source: South Carolina, Secretary of State, Records Deposited with the Secretary. Abstracts of Voter Registrations Reported to the Military Government, 1868. South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Record Group 213000, Series No. S 213103 Indexed by Alana...
Beaufort County, SC Voter Registrations, First Registration Precinct, Chisolm’s Election Precinct, 1868
Source: South Carolina, Secretary of State, Records Deposited with the Secretary. Abstracts of Voter Registrations Reported to the Military Government, 1868. South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Record Group 213000, Series No. S 213103 Indexed by Alana...
Index of USCT Bounties Paid, South Carolina, 1866-1868
Source: Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 (NARA Micropublication M1910), Reel 23 Names of 166 USCT veterans who were paid bounties from 1866-1868 ~ Please...
Honoring William Parsons, First USCT Soldier to Fall in Battle in SC
The first military action of the United States Colored Troops in South Carolina was an expedition organized by Colonel Thomas Wentworth Higginson, commander of the 1st SC Infantry (later redesignated 33rd USCT). From January 23 to February 1, 1863, the 1st South...
Freedmen’s Bureau Record Breaks Through the 1870 Brick Wall for SC African American Genealogy
So rarely does a record from Reconstruction actually connect freed people to a former slaveholder. When we find records like this we are so excited. We are very excited today, because we found another! This record is a part of the "Pre-Bureau" records for South...
Join Lowcountry Africana at Magnolia Plantation Feb 9, 2013 for a Seminar on Tracing Reconstruction-Era Ancestors
Learn About the Records That Will Help You Trace African American Ancestors Back Beyond 1870 ~And~ Receive Personal Genealogy Advice from a Panel of Experienced Lowcountry Researchers! Please join us at Magnolia Plantation and Gardens on Saturday, February 9 for the...
Penn Center Heritage Symposium 2010
The annual Penn Center Heritage Days Celebration, held the second weekend in November each year, is a celebration of the unique Gullah-Geechee cultural heritage and the history of the Penn School on St. Helena Island, SC. The Penn Center Heritage Symposium explores a...
1850 Census Slave Schedule, Beaufort District, SC
Source: United States Bureau of the Census. Population Schedules of the Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, South Carolina. 1850 South Carolina Federal Population Census Slave Schedules - Abbeville, Anderson, Barnwell and Beaufort Counties. Reel 0861....
List of Discharges [USCT] Received from T. Hurley and Now On Hand at Freedmen’s Natl. Bank, Freedmen’s Bureau Field Report, South Carolina, 1869
Source: Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 (NARA Micropublication M1910), Reel 22 Names: Ballard, Charles Barber, Jacob Blanchard, Benj. Brown, George Brown,...
Labor Contract W.J. Randolph and Freed Men and Women on the Pope Place Plantation, St. Helena Island, Beaufort District, SC, 1865
Source: Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 (NARA Micropublication M1910), Reel 59 Names: Randolph, W.J. Randolph, William J. Williams, C.F. Haywood, Chas. F. White, Will Pope,...

Roots Travel
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