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Lowcountry Africana Main Blog
Going in Depth ~ SC Freedmen’s Bureau Labor Contracts
FamilySearch has digitized all 106 microfilm reels in the NARA series Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 (NARA Micropublication M1910). This digital collection is titled...
SC Freedmen’s Bureau Records: USCT Bounty Claims
USCT Bounty Claims and the Information They Contain Above: Announcement of Additional Military Bounties, Charleston Daily News, 12 Nov 1866 1 USCT Bounty Claims Bounties were monetary or material incentives paid for enlisting in the military, or rewards for...
Finds in FamilySearch Freedmen’s Bureau Records ~ Reel 21, Georgetown Medical Officer Rations Requests
A Rich Find for Georgetown Research The FamilySearch collection South Carolina Freedmen's Bureau Records, 1865-1872 is the digitized version of Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872...
Going In Depth ~ A Look at Some of the Richest Record Types in SC Freedmen’s Bureau Records
Rations Lists (AKA Register of Destitutes): Lists of Elders By Plantation, Before 1870 Rations lists (sometimes labeled "Register of Destitutes," "Register of Those to Whom Rations Were Issued," etc.) are among the richest records in FamilySearch's collection South...
Marriage and Divorce Records for Charleston, Strawberry Ferry, Johns Island, and Camden, 1865-1866
Source: United States, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands. Marriage and Divorce Records for Charleston, Strawberry Ferry, Johns Island, and Camden, 1865-1866. South Carolina Department of Archives and History, Series Number .F601301, Record Group Number...
Marriage Notices from Charleston African American Newspapers
MARRIED In this city, by Rev. T.W. Lewis, Andrew Smalls to Tena Palmer. 10th Harry White to Marg't Green. Nov. 17, John Moore to Nancy Ann Ore(?). Nov 23, Joseph Richardson to Anna Lawrence. On Sunday, 17th Inst., by Rev. Jacob Legare, Mr. Joseph...
Genealogist Nicka Smith Shares Reasons to Listen or Be Listened To!
A Special Guest Post by Nicka Smith Today, Friday, November 28 is StoryCorps' 7th annual National Day of Listening! Each year, StoryCorps asks all Americans to set aside an hour on the day after Thanksgiving to interview a friend, loved one or community member about...
Five Reasons to Listen
A Special Guest Post by Angela Walton-Raji How many times do we recall Thanksgiving events from years gone by? We can remember our elders who were at the dinner, and in many cases they prepared the meal that we all enjoyed. Then time passed and they were gone. We miss...
5 People Give 5 Reasons to Celebrate the National Day of Listening, Day 2: Joseph McGill
Each year, StoryCorps asks all Americans to set aside an hour on the day after Thanksgiving to interview a family member, friend or loved one about their life. This Friday, November 28, is the 7th annual National Day of Listening. Lowcountry...
Family Stories: Eat Them Up This Thanksgiving and All Year Round
A Special Guest Post by Thomas MacEntee In honor of StoryCorps’ National Day of Listening on Friday, November 28, here’s some advice from Thomas MacEntee of GeneaBloggers on the treasure that is a family story. Stop and Listen to the Stories Being Told Cleaning,...

South Carolina Ancestors
Freedmen’s Labor Contract, School Farm Number 12, Orange Grove Plantation, Ladies Island, SC, 1865
Source: Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 (NARA Micropublication M1910), Reel 59 Names: Blake, Milton Stoney, Titus Stoney, Alice Seabrook, Daphne Aiken, Minta Hogan, Leah Orchard,...
South Carolina, Freedmen’s Bureau Field Report: Bounty Claim Correspondence for Blake, March; Blake, Michael; Jenkins, Bob; Williams, Rd; Cruel, Ranty; Blake, Robt; Edwards, Jos H.; Seabrook, Edwd; Brown, Jonas; Harris, Mike; Saplin, James, 1869
Names: Drew, Wm. P. Howard, O.O. Ballock, Ew. Blake, March Blake, Michael Jenkins, Bob Williams, Rd. Edwards, Jos H. Blake, Robt. Seabrook, Edwd. Cruel, Ranty Brown, Jonas Harris, Mike Saplin, James DeKnight, W.F. Scoville, N.R. Edie,...
South Carolina, Freedmen’s Bureau Field Report: USCT Bounties Paid During March, 1869
Source: Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 (NARA Micropublication M1910), Reel 22 Names Harris, Luke Sanders, Anthony Grimble, Taylor Seabrook, Joseph Stewart, Milton Wynn,...
Records Relating to the Issuance of Rations: List of Destitutes, Hilton Head Island, SC, 1866-1867
Source: Records of the Assistant Commissioner for the State of South Carolina Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1870 (NARA Micropublication M869), Reel 38 View pdf (may take a few moments to load) Records Relating to the...
List of Destitute Persons Who Will Need Rations and Seed on Port Royal, Ladies, St. Helena, Paris, and Cat Islands, Beaufort District, SC, ca. 1867
Source: Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 (NARA Micropublication M1910), Reel 60 Black Orphan Sarah Washington Flora Hannah Tony Bina Chaplin Doll...
Grant, Joseph. Bounty Claim Correspondence, Beaufort, SC, 1864
Names Grant, Joseph Williams, Geo. A. Taggard, F.W. Thomas, L. Hawks, D. Zelley, Daniel W. Walter, W.D. Crawford, A.M.L.
Freedmen’s Labor Contract, Myrtle Bush Plantation, Beaufort District, SC, 1867
Source: Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 (NARA Micropublication M1910), Reel 60. On February 5, 1867, T.C. Randolph entered into an agreement with freed men and women to...
Freedmen’s Labor Contract: Middleton’s Hobonny Plantation, Beaufort, SC, 1866
Source: Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872 (NARA Micropublication M1910), Reel 60. On March 24, 1866, Williams Middleton, owner of Hobonny Plantation on the...

Roots Travel
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